Program That Provides General Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Services For Addictions Recovery
What is IOP?
An Intensive Outpatient Program provides treatment for substance abuse in an outpatient setting, which allows you to live at home, work, and develop your support network while still having the support and guidance from skilled professionals. IOP meets for 9 hours a week which is divided into 3 days. RRC offers both day and night groups. This treatment option requires that an individual’s home environment include a safe support system and be alcohol/drug-free. As a way of easing the transition back into society, IOPs can sometimes be utilized after the completion of an inpatient program. IOPs introduce and reinforce healthy ways of interacting with others and provide a safe environment for participants who may feel vulnerable in the early phases of sobriety. Clients who are further along in their recovery process often provide support for new participants.
Why IOP?
- Participation can help you get back on track after experiencing a short relapse in your recovery
- Provide accountability and continued structure in your recovery
- Gain coping skills to help with daily struggles
- Gain a better understanding of the disease concept of addiction
- A chance to help others deal with life challenges
- It provides a safe place to express the feelings that we have hidden or suppressed
- Development of interpersonal skills, coping skills, and relaxation skills
What is Outpatient
Our Outpatient Program is designed to meet the needs of clients that cannot commit to 9 hours of groups. Outpatient level of care outpatient programs is usually considered the step down from Intensive Outpatient treatment. Step-down refers to the process of leaving one level of addiction treatment and moving into the next and lower level. You can work your way from inpatient rehab all the way to aftercare and day-to-day life by stepping down through various program formats and consists of treatment for substance use that is less than 9 hours a week. Level 1 is appropriate for people with less severe disorders or as a step-down from more intensive services.
Clients will meet with the counselor 1-3 times a week depending on their needs. Clients will be offered family sessions monthly
Group sessions
Day and night sessions
Easy Payments
Cash, Debit. Vemo, Paypal

In Person/Web
In person sessions and zoom sessions

Phone assessment to evaluate criteria for IOP level of care Treatment planning Group therapy including family group Weekly individual counseling sessions Family counseling Drug and alcohol testing Referrals to outside services Aftercare planning
Our Curriculum Includes the Following:
Education on the disease concept of addiction
Family dynamics /discord
Relapse prevention
Coping skills
Trauma-informed counseling
Daily life skills
Physical wellness
Grief and loss
We Also Provide the Following
Collaboration with a psychiatrist for medication management Collaboration with MAT Legal collaboration
I was diagnosed (yes, it's an actual disease recognized by the AMA since the 1950's) with Alcoholism. At first, I thought I'd never be able to live happily in this world without alcohol. How would I enhance a celebration? How would I cope while grieving loss? Or how could I cope with life’s stresses? In 1984, I sought the recommended in-patient treatment for alcoholism; it worked for me. I stayed sober for nearly 20 years. I was so happy to have found a way to live with this disease. As any person with this disease will tell you, it doesn't suddenly disappear after a period of abstinence; it is still’s just in remission. However, life does sneak up on us at times and I began to seek comfort and fortification from alcohol during a very turbulent time of my life. Why did I think it would be different? Once I realized alcohol had gotten the best of me again, I called Redwood Recovery Center to learn more about its Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). OMG! it was intensive, but in the months that I stayed true to my goal of being sober again, Kerry (the director) gently pulled me back from the abyss and began helping me find what was missing in my life so I could be sober again. She taught me how to use tools that were not available to me many years before. The IOP was an eye-opening endeavor. It guided me through what happened premeditatively, when my downhill slide of relapse actually began, why my usual way of coping with life didn't work, and how to recognize the warning sign to keep it from happening again. The IOP helped me in many ways; It kept me busy during the week, so I had little time to think about drinking, it gave me the time and space to process what happened and, it gave me the confidence to begin meeting life on life’s terms again, one-step-at-a-time. I know life will sneak up on me again some time, but now I know what to look for and how to handle it better WITHOUT drinking or drugs! Nothing in life is guaranteed to be easy all the time, but because of the help I received from Kerry and Redwood Recovery Center’s program, I am living again free of alcohol. I am not held hostage by the bottle anymore. I am so grateful that Kerry opened the Redwood Recovery Center; it gave me a life worth living. I’m glad I said to myself “Go ahead, make the call, get yourself the help you know you want and deserve!” It's well worth the time and effort. Personally, I knew the cost of the program was minimal compared to the cost of drinking alcohol and drugs which had taken all my money, my family and my own dignity. I had to remember that I am worth it…and YOU ARE worth It, too! Go ahead and make the call. ~Sandy
I am an alcoholic with over 30 years of abusive drinking and life long depression. I turned to Kerry for help. She is an experienced and compassionate counselor who's guidance and knowledge has helped me find my way back to the self I should and want to be. Initially I sought assistance for my acute needs almost 5 months ago, in July of 2022. I am going to be continuing to be working on myself, with her help, starting next week. I cannot say enough good things about Kerryann Durkee! - Anonymous
Kerry’s counseling has been life-changing for me. I suffer from a major anxiety disorder and was self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. Kerry has given me many tools to improve my anxiety and make living much more manageable. She also helped to build my self-esteem back up after I escaped an abusive relationship that I was involved in for many years. Kerry has extensive knowledge and training in cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, meditation, and spiritual practices, as well as the NA/AA 12-step program. I have found a new purpose and excitement for a life I never thought was possible. I highly recommend Redwood Recovery Center to anyone struggling with addiction. -Anonymous